Straight to the Brain Episode List


COVID-19 Part 1 of 2

It’s SARS First Episode


COVID-19 Part 2 of 2


Drug Development Part 1 of 2


Drug Development Part 2 of 2


Innate Immune System Part 1:


Innate Immune System Part 2:


Innate Immune System Part 3:


Innate Immune System Part 4:


Nuclear Fission:


About the Hosts:


Electricity Part 1:


Electricity Part 2:


Human Blood:




This is part 1 of 2 for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. In this half, we cover what a virus is, grey markets, etiology, virus attachment, entry and replication, as well as symptoms and pathogenesis. Images for this episode can be found in the blog post for this episode.


This is part 2 of 2 for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. In this half, we cover transmission, epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment, prevention, and viral escapes. Images for this episode can be found in the blog post for this episode.


This is part 1 of 2 for the drug development process. In this half, we cover how a new drug is discovered, the founding of the FDA, pre-clinical research, and IND approval.


This is part 2 of 2 for the drug development process. In this half, we cover clinical trials, some statistics, the final review that decides if a drug goes to market, post market surveillance, advertising, generic medicine, fast tracking, and a story about a natural remedy, once used by the ancient Egyptians, but now is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world.


This is part 1 of the innate immune system. In this episode, we explain what a pathogen is, the immunological components of our skin and mucus membranes, and the complement system.


This is part 2 of the innate immune system. In this episode, we explore all of the different effector cells associated with the innate immune system.


This is part 3 of the innate immune system. I promise, we’re about to wrap it up on innate immunity. In this episode, we focus on the inflammatory process in response to a bacterial pathogen.


This is the last installment in our innate immunity series. In this episode, we explore the other two complement pathways: the lectin pathway and the classical pathway. As well as the innate immune response toward an intracellular pathogen.


In this episode, we explore the science and history behind nuclear fission. Starting from it’s discovery, to it’s first implementation as a weapon, and finally, how it is used today to produce electricity.


In this episode, we just shoot the shit and talk about ourselves. Crack a beer with us, and learn a little bit about the people trying to teach you science.


In part one of electricity we explain what electricity actually is, the difference between current and static electricity, as well as touch on Ohm’s law.


In part 2 of 2 of electricity we talk about electromagnetic induction, magnets, generators, transformers, and of course AC vs. DC.


In this episode we talk about human blood, specifically red blood cells. We discuss old interpretations of blood, what blood is, what blood does, transfusions, and blood types.

In this episode we talk about vampiric lore, and the scientific misconceptions that helped create it. We will touch on human decomposition, the bubonic plague, and consumption (TB).